Land Use Strategies has extensive experience working with clients in the healthcare industry. We work with clients on siting, permitting and entitling their outpatient facilities, convalescent homes, rehabilitation and treatment centers, and hospital expansions. Our team has provided strategic consultation and government relations on dealing with seismic safety requirements and policy related matters.
“Jesse is great to work with and produces outstanding results. I would recommend anyone considering Jesse to move forward.”
“Riverplace” Addiction Recovery Care (ARC) Facility - Pike County, KY
One of the most rewarding projects we have ever been a port of is the approval and opening of the “Riverplace” Addiction Recover Care (ARC) facility. The facility will be used as a substance use disorder treatment facility. The 120 bed facility offers detox with withdrawal management, residential, transitional, intensive outpatient, medically assisted treatment, vocational rehabilitation and job training.
The work on Riverplace has inspired Land Use Strategies to provide free advice/work to anyone who is permitting a new opioid treatment facility. The opioid epidemic is at an all time high and is devastating individuals, families, and communities throughout the United States. Many towns and cities can use new ARC facilities and transitional housing opportunities. If you’re looking for assistance in opening a treatment facility, please contact us.
Mountain Top News, Aug. 12, 2019